Configurar el correo de Google Workspace (Gsuite) en Thunderbird
Al dar de alta la cuenta Account Actions - Add Mail Account
seleccionar Manual Configuration
e introducir los siguientes datos y presionar en Advanced Config
Selecciona el INBOX de tu cuenta en Thunderbird, y Google te pedirá el acceso a tu cuenta para autorizar la integración:
A. Introduce tu correo..
B. Luego tu contraseña..
C. Finalmente PERMITE el permiso para que Thunderbird pueda enlazar tu cuenta..
Using OAUTH2 has been an option for several years and now it will soon be mandatory for Gmail. TB has that option and it’s rather straightforward. You need to change authorization by going to tools>account settings>server settings and changing authentication method to OAUTH2 and then going to tools>preferences>privacy&security and remove the gmail passwords. After that, shut down TB and restart. You will be presented with a menu to log into gmail to grant access to TB. Once done, life should resume.